Example: 1 - Allow users to create a main to-do task, such as "Skincare Routine": Within the main task, allow users to create sub-tasks, such as "Morning" and "Night" 2 - Allow users to add items to each sub-task, such as "Cleanse face" and "Apply toner" for the "Morning" sub-task 3 - Display the main task and sub-tasks in a hierarchical format, with the main task at the top and the sub-tasks nested underneath 4 - Allow users to check off items within each sub-task as they are completed 5 - Provide the option for users to collapse or expand the sub-tasks to view more or less detail Is way easier to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. 🗂️ This feature allows users to better organize their to-do lists by topic, rather than just having a plain list of tasks to complete. 🧐 It's a simple but useful feature for creating more organized and structured to-do lists, without adding a lot of complexity. 💪