Nested To-Do / Sub-Tasks
under review
1 - Allow users to create a main to-do task, such as "Skincare Routine":
Within the main task, allow users to create sub-tasks, such as "Morning" and "Night"
2 - Allow users to add items to each sub-task, such as "Cleanse face" and "Apply toner" for the "Morning" sub-task
3 - Display the main task and sub-tasks in a hierarchical format, with the main task at the top and the sub-tasks nested underneath
4 - Allow users to check off items within each sub-task as they are completed
5 - Provide the option for users to collapse or expand the sub-tasks to view more or less detail
Is way easier to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. 🗂️
This feature allows users to better organize their to-do lists by topic, rather than just having a plain list of tasks to complete. 🧐 It's a simple but useful feature for creating more organized and structured to-do lists, without adding a lot of complexity. 💪
Faishal Saiyed
under review
Faishal Saiyed
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David Victorson
Hi - just checking to see if it's possible to create sub-tasks for these vs. one super long list. Thanks.
Faishal Saiyed
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Alexis Pérez
Tasks are usually divided into subtasks. Adding that function would be very helpful.
Faishal Saiyed
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Task and subtasks
Sri Harsha 🇮🇳 (🇸🇪 °) 🇩🇪
Like google keep lists can you add an indentation feature where a series of subtasks can be added to the main task some what like a nested list?
I came here to write the same thing. This is urgent! (I mean, when you have time to implement, because it's free lol :D). Thanks!
Vitor Caetano da Rocha
Apoio totalmente mas com a adição da opção para organizar as listas ao invés de ser por ordem cronológica. Assim poderiamos nos organizar melhor e tirar mais proveito do
Lavanay Thakral
Absolutely! This helps resolve partially finished tasks.